

4 more things I am thankful for:

1. I’m thankful that I am afraid of driving on the interstate. Otherwise, all I’d get to see each morning and afternoon is traffic. Instead, I get to drive a beautiful route full of tress that remind me of Colorado and a running trail reminding me to go workout. Sometimes it’s nice to remember the small things.

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Remember the Time

Today we honored my Grandma and Grandpa. Remembering good times and spending the afternoon with some of their neighbors. It was great to hear the stories and share the experience. Read more



There is so much that I’m thankful for this year. This small post cannot even begin to show all of my appreciation, but it sums up every wonderful thing in my life that I’m beyond grateful for each and every day!

1. I’m thankful for my family. Although far away, they are in my thoughts each and every day. They are what guide me, help me believe in myself, and encourage me. I treasure the time I spend with them and miss them when they are not near. Read more


Sandtray in the Schools: Structured and Unstructured Interventions

Before I can begin to talk about sandtrays, I must first warn you that I am indeed spending my Thanksgiving vacation in sunny Arizona. So, I have been spending my days listening to Christmas music and laying by the pool. Anyways, I’m going to do double duty here by sharing my knowledge from my conference AND sharing my photos from this great vacation all in one post, now that’s multi-tasking! Read more


Metaphors and Guided Visualizations that Accelerate the Change Process

The first session I attended while at the TCA Conference was focused on guided visualizations to help a client during their change process. The session emphasized the use of guided visuals to explore the client’s subconscious mind. The idea is based on mental storytelling to learn concepts such as, choice, responsibility, self-control, and letting go. Read more


Getting My Learn on and Making Meat Loaf

I just got back from the Texas Counselors Association Conference in Galveston! It was two days filled with everything from new techniques to networking, presenting new research to being updated on old. It was so motivating to see all different types of counselors share their experiences. It revived my motivation to get my LPC and lit a fire of love in me for my new profession. And yes I said lit a fire of love because I left that conference feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on any client/student that walked into my room. That’s the power of professional development ladies and gentlemen. Read more


Smashed Red Potatoes

If you didn’t know any better you’d have thought this was some sort of cooking blog, by the way I keep posting all of these recipes. But quite frankly, I can’t help myself. I have been cooking vegetables like they are going out of style. Read more


Roasted Brussels Sprouts + Apples

I love Honey Crisp Apples. I love them with peanut butter, on a plate, in the car, while teaching, practically anywhere, with anything, and any how I can get them. Read more


My Philosophy

After 3 months of jumping in to this new job, I was asked by my practicum professor to write my philosophy, the implications of me as a counselor. After a lot of thought, I decided to post the paper I had written for her. It is quite long, but it definitely did it’s job of describing exactly why I wanted to become a counselor and my belief about why counseling is important. Read more



What does it mean to be a loyal friend?

Well, to me it means sharing wonderful guidance lessons. I’ve never met Marissa over at, but with all of the helpful lessons she’s given me this year I have to consider this “friendship” a pretty loyal one. Read more